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The Holoholo Bookmobile
The new book mobile cost $300,000. Over the years, Maui Friends of the Library has collected tens of thousands of used books sold by over 100 volunteers at bargain prices at their three bookstores. These book sales created the funding of a new bookmobile for Maui.
A majority of the 3,000 books that are housed in the bookmobile have been purchased through Maui Friends of the Library funding and financial donations from the community through collections made by Whole Foods Market and a gift from the Lahaina Sunrise Rotary Club.
A book mobile is all about outreach. Not everyone can get to one of the six libraries on our island. Today many schools no longer have libraries and even more lack a librarian. Besides schools, many other places welcome a traveling library including retirement communities and assisted living facilities, adult day care centers, public and private schools and preschools, Head Start preschools, Boys and Girls Clubs, men’s and women’s correctional facilities, homeless centers, and neighborhoods..
Patrons can select and check out traditional books, will be able to obtain a library card, download e-books and check out DVDs, and CDs. as well as traditional books. This fully equipped, modern design bookmobile travels throughout the island bringing books, wi-fi, and library services to communities that do not have libraries as well as to schools and other institutions.
The 2016 Farber International 30-foot long bookmobile was specifically designed for Maui under the direction of nationally respected consultant Michael Swendrowski who has helped more than 100 municipalities create custom bookmobiles from Washington DC to islands in the Caribbean.
Maui graphics designer Saedene Ota of Sae Design in Wailuku produced a unique design featuring bright attention-getting colors against a rainbow of the possibilities to patrons exploring a world of knowledge.
Complete lineup of books for borrowing customized daily to various stops
Librarian onboard for advice and help, also funded annually by Maui Friends of the Library
Wi-Fi to access to Internet, state library system and to conduct research
Solar panels for lights and electricity
Layout convertible for digital and/or live presentations
Quiet diesel EPA approved generator
Jetway flooring
Bright yellow awning for providing services outside
MFOL has secured agreement from the State legislature to fund a professional librarian as well as a driver for the Holoholo Book Mobile. This means that title selections and assistance with Internet research and digital equipment is always onboard.